Keeping your sanity while back to school shopping with teens

With one kiddo in college and another in high school, this year’s BACK TO SCHOOL spending is extra crazy.  For real, the money just feels like it is literally flying out of my wallet.  To keep it together, I learned there are 4 questions you should ask during each back to school excursion with your teen girl.

  1. Is it Dress Code?- For my high schooler, I literally print out the dress code rules and bring this along with us.  Not only has it reduced the disagreements ( fights) but it helps us to be on the same page with what she can wear.


  1. Would you buy it?- I learned to pay attention to my daughter's reactions when they were shopping.  Some items they were super excited about pulling off the rack.  Others, they were 'meh'.  As I began to notice this, I started asking ‘Hey, if it were your money, would you buy it?’.  I was surprised that about 50% of the time, they would say ‘No’.  So, here’s why this question is important.  If they wouldn’t buy it, chances are they won’t use it or wear it and you just wasted your money.  Nobody got time for that!  


  1. Is this something you can get at Target or Walmart?- When it comes to socks or undies, I love asking this question because chances are they don’t’ have many pairs of matching socks or most of their panties have been destroyed by period accidents.  (You can of course avoid the period accidents by transitioning to the Femdacity Panty…but let me get back to these questions).


  1. Do you need this now or can it wait?- There’s no need to purchase a brand-new winter coat and a pair of boots if the temperatues outside are still lingering at 90°. That money is better suited to the new calculator your kid needs for precalculus.  Plus, chances are your kiddo's size might change between now and when they need it.   

Well, that’s how I’m surviving, what tips can you add this this list?

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