Make Labor Day Weekend Your Self Care Weekend

It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the ‘unofficial’ end of summer.  I feel like there’s so much ☀️summer-ing☀️I still need to do.  As tempting as it is to want to my bags and gas up the car for a quick weekend away, the best thing I can do is chill and get some much-deserved self-care in.  If you have been hanging out with Femdacity for a while, you already know Self-Care is not only good for your well-being.  It is what you need to maintain good menstrual health.  So, if you are TEAM SELF-CARE, here are some ideas:


  1. Go Cycling - Aside from spin class, I can’t tell you the last time I was on my bike? For Real!  There’s was a time when my bike was my RIDE.  I’m going to dust off my two-wheeler, pump up the tires and take it for a spin on the nearest trail.


  1. Taking a Hike- Nature has a wonderful way of grounding and helping me to appreciate the simple things. Those quiet walks give me time for reflection and prayer.  Pro Tip!  Wear supportive footwear and bring a good stick or pole to help you maneuver.  Twisted ankles are no fun!


  1. Watch a movie outside- I have never tried this but it combines three fun activities- Watching movies, hanging outside, and spending time with my family. Since this would most likely be a nighttime activity, I going to make sure the bug spray and citronella candles are in abundant supply. 


  1. Chillin’ in a hammock- One of my favorite things to do is reading outside.  Reading Outside + Hammock = Great Entertainment and BEST NAP EVER! Come to think of it, naps are definitely something we all could probably use more of.


I hope this inspires you to focus on your own self-care.  Happy Labor Day!!!

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