Femdacity Period Products: Your FSA and HSA Saving Squad!

It’s Open Enrollment season and you are probably getting a whole bunch of reminders to choose your healthcare plans.  Well, here’s one more reminder AND you will agree that this is GOOD NEWS!  Did you know FSA (Flexible Spending Accounts) and HSA (Health Savings Accounts) can be used to pay for Femdacity menstrual products?  IT'S TRUE!

👇🏾Check it out for yourself 👇🏾

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, made period products eligible for reimbursement as qualified medical expenses. 

Here's why you should jump on this opportunity:

💰**Tax-Free Bliss**: When you use your FSA or HSA, you're essentially using pre-tax dollars. That's like getting an extra discount every month!

💰**Quality Matters**: Femdacity is all about quality, comfort, and sustainability. With FSA/HSA eligibility, you can invest in products that truly care for your body and the planet without breaking the bank.

💰**Year-End Rush**: The clock is ticking! Don't forget to order your Femdacity goodies before the end of the year.


Y’all, FSA and HSA accounts are like secret stashes for your health expenses. And now, your favorite Femdacity products are invited to the party!  Maximize your FSA/HSA savings and stock up for a new year of period positivity.

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