Helllooo 2022

Welcome to January and Welcome to 2022!!!

Did you make any resolutions?  If you didn’t that’s ok because I haven’t made a resolution since 2019 (YUP!).  Instead of resolutions, I’ve been picking One Word.  Here’s 3 reasons why you should consider picking one word instead of a list of resolutions (credit Midlife Rambler):

  1. The One Word stands for the person you want to be
  2. One Word helps you stay on track through the year
  3. Resolutions are limiting vs One word is all encompassing


Here are my One Word(s) for the last few years

  • In 2020, my word was DREAM BIG (ok… so that’s not one word but it was my first year🤷🏾). I picked that word because I got the idea for Femdacity in 2018.  I knew that I didn’t know the first thing about designing and manufacturing women’s panties.  It frankly scared me a little bit and I knew I had to step into the discomfort and lean into the dream.

  • In 2021, my word was TRUST I picked that word because I knew I needed to Trust the Process, Trust the Journey, and Trust God despite challenges with the pandemic, sourcing a manufacturer and making a major change from fulltime employee to business owner.

  • For 2022 the word I picked is FOCUS  I picked this word because we are launching the Femdacity panty this year and I know you are going to just love it❤️.  My focus will be on Faith, achieving my goals and health.


I hope this gives you motivation to pick your One word. Drop a line to share your word.


Tanya (The Femdaci-Nista)

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